The Future of  Direct Payments

The Future of Direct Payments

6 February, 2025
Register for this upcoming event on CAP reforms

After several turbulent years, farmers and land managers have had to adapt to new CAP rules and make adjustments along the way. Now, they are being called to look ahead and shape the future of the Agriculture and Food sectors. A new Vision for Agriculture and Food is expected on February 19th, serving as a foundation for discussions on the next MFF and the post-2027 CAP, even though the current CAP still feels relatively new.

The goal of creating a simpler, more targeted CAP that balances incentives, investments, and regulations is commendable but challenging. It must align with the key objectives of enhancing the agricultural sector’s competitiveness, resilience, and sustainability while addressing the social impact on rural communities.

This meeting will explore potential CAP reforms, especially regarding direct payments, the policy’s cornerstone.

This event will count with the introductory statements from Tassos Haniotis, Special Advisor on Sustainable Productivity, Forum for the Future of Agriculture / Senior Guest Research Scholar, IIASA and Alan Matthews, Professor at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Key policymakers and stakeholders will provide their reactions. Don’t miss this vital dialogue with the farming community, land managers, and food chain actors.

Limited capacity – register soon!

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