INTERCEDE Transdisciplinary Forum
INTERCEDE Transdisciplinary Forum, an exciting in-person event hosted by the Horizon Europe project INTERCEDE – InceNtivising fuTurE foRest eCosystem sErvices anD incomes in Europe, investigating the potential of market-based incentives for forest owners, managers and users.
The theme of this inaugural forum is ‘Cross-learning & Exchange’, marking the launch of the first of three Transdisciplinary Forums. Each forum will build on the previous one to ensure continuous engagement with external stakeholders and the project consortium, fostering progress and impact.
The INTERCEDE project is investigating the potential of Market-Based Instruments, and we would like to discuss the demand and experiences with these with a broad range of stakeholders. Therefore, the event aims to bridge the gap between academia and practice through participatory research and transdisciplinary collaborations.
The Projects Focus Areas
- Forest Ecosystem Services: Explore the current supply and demand of available FES in Europe.
- Current Policy Instruments: Analyze existing policy tools and Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) models.
Financial support is available if required but subject to EU regulations and confirmation.
Contact Martin Fox for more information!

Register here!