The European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) is one representation of the countryside’s challenges and opportunities. We are a part of a vibrant ecosystem. And our journey is intertwined with diverse partners and organizations, creating a seamless collaboration.
What binds us together? A shared role as representatives and stakeholders, each offering unique insights across the expansive landscape of rural life and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Club DEMETER, created in 1987, is an ecosystem of decision makers from the agricultural, agroindustrial and agro-food sectors. Club promotes a prospective approach (think further), international strategic monitoring (think farther) and a global approach to agriculture and food (think wider).

RISE Foundation
As a think tank, RISE gathers experts to tackle some of the greatest environmental-climate-agricultural challenges we face in Europe today. It develops high quality research reports with clear recommendations for policy makers, and works in EC funded projects under the Horizon programme.

Future for Religious Heritage
FRH was founded in 2011 as an organization dedicated to the safeguarding of Europe’s diverse and unique religious heritage. It is the only independent, non-faith, and non-profit network working to protect religious heritage buildings across Europe. It currently includes over 170 members in 35 countries.

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform
Phosphorus is essential for agriculture, food security and industry, but a critical challenge for water quality and the environment. ESPP brings together companies, scientists and stakeholders for sustainable phosphorus management and nutrient recycling.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organizations. By harnessing the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,400 Member organizations and the input of some 15,000 experts, IUCN is the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.

Friends of the Countryside
FCS is a strong network of over 600 like minded private landowners, rural managers and entrepreneurs, which acts as a support group to the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO). FCS was founded in 1997 and has members from 27 countries, both EU and non-EU, stretching from the Rockies to the Carpathians.

EPA is a consortium of six foundations from Central and Eastern European countries (CZ, SVK, HU, PL, BLG and ROM). Its main goal is to protect the environment and support local communities and civil society. The cooperation between ELO and EPA celebrated its 10 year anniversary in 2022. Since 2012, ELO has hosted a representative of EPA in its premises.

The Forum for the Future of Agriculture
The Forum for Ag is the premiere meeting place to debate sustainable agriculture and environmental challenges. Since 2008, the Forum is where agriculture and environment meet for an open dialogue, both online and in-person.
The annual Forum for the Future of Agriculture was founded by the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) and Syngenta; they were joined by Cargill, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Thought for Food, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, as strategic partners.

European Historic House
European Historic Houses (EHH) is an umbrella association covering 27 national associations of privately-owned historic houses. EHH defends the preservation, conservation and transmission of heritage houses throughout Europe.

Europa Nostra
Europa Nostra was founded on 29 November 1963 in Paris. For almost 60 years, we have celebrated, protected and advocated for cultural heritage. Covering over 40 countries, Europa Nostra is recognised as the largest and the most representative heritage network in Europe. It maintains close relations with the European Union, the Council of Europe, UNESCO and other international bodies.

Efforts Europe
EFFORTS stands for the European Federation of Fortified Sites and is the European network organisation for the collaboration of almost 200 of Europe’s forts, fortified cities and regions in 23 EU countries. EFFORTS’ aim is to enhance structural European cooperation and coordination, to share expertise, to promote personal cooperation and to put fortified heritage on the agenda as a permanent link with our common European history. This in order to make a sustainable contribution to Europe’s economic, energy, spatial development and social challenges.