In recent years, climate change has caused remarkable instability which is affecting the availability and quality of water in many European regions. The lack and difficulty of managing this matter, not only within the farming sector, is generating tensions between regions and enterprises due to the availability, quality and distribution of water.
Considering also the fact that certain products are of notably high-water demand and that in certain countries the hydraulic network for agricultural activities is old with many leakages, the gravity of the presented issue is imperative.
The project wants to follow a bottom-up approach which means learning from practitioners and making their knowledge, patterns and methods in the field of sustainable water management on farming, based on 3 elements: Summary Guide, Case studies, Training modules.
The project’s training methodology is based on the Open Educational Resources (OER) approach, thus developing digital training materials that will be available under a creative commons licence allowing their use and distribution free of charge.
The training materials will be available in English, Spanish, Slovenian, German, Italian and French
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project N° 101049678 – ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PCOOP-ENGO