The FarmElder project emerges from our recognition of the power of social farming, a concept initially defined by Di Iacovo and O’Connor in 2009 as utilising agricultural resources to create social services within rural areas. These services encompass rehabilitation, therapy, sheltered employment, lifelong education, and other initiatives fostering social inclusion. Drawing from our extensive involvement in social farming, we’ve pinpointed a unique synergy between its benefits and the needs of the elderly population.
At its core, the FarmElder project aspires to bridge this connection by facilitating the engagement of farmers in social farming activities explicitly geared towards the elderly. For farmers already immersed in social farming, FarmElder extends its reach by offering comprehensive training in effectively collaborating with elderly individuals. This equips them to address the specific requirements of this demographic while creating a platform for meaningful interactions.
FarmElder also seeks to forge partnerships between farmers, new service providers, and advocates. By connecting these stakeholders, the project aims to enhance the impact of social farming on the lives of the elderly. This collaborative approach not only widens the scope of available services but also elevates the visibility and recognition of the vital work carried out by farmers in the realm of social farming.

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