This project aspires to bridge the gap between youth in need of employment and the agricultural sector requiring more workers. This is also in line with farmer’s needs to pass on their skills and knowledge, alongside of making their sector more sustainable.
This is easier said than done: prospective workers require specific tools adapted to their needs, especially for NEET youth. These tools would accompany them towards novel professions in the field of sustainable agriculture and social farming, in turn increasing their employability in the future.
To do so, strengthening the employability of NEET young people into the agricultural world through developing innovative training targeting youth works and trainers will be done through the following objectives:
• Providing tools to youth works to increase awareness on opportunities offered by sustainable agricultural professions;
• Innovative training to provide basic skills and knowledge in organic and/or environmentally friendly farming techniques tackling climate change;
• Increasing the attractiveness of the farming sector and at the same time ensuring adequate working capacities for sustainable farming development across Europe;
• Increasing the interest and ability of farmers to welcome and teach prospective NEET youth.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project N°KA220-YOU-37C49185