Press Release Bee Award 2019
With the aim of acknowledging innovative, efficient and scalable projects that protect pollinators in Europe, the European Bee Award, established by the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) and the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association (CEMA), was handed over last night to this year’s winners:
- “Pro Planet Apples from Lake Constance” by the Lake Constance Foundation in Germany have developed a way to encourage apple growers in the region to implement sustainable, pollinator protecting’ land management practices. The project has seen very impactful and positive results whilst showing that it has tremendous capacity for scalability. It is the winner of this year’s “land management practices” award;
- “Bee Varroa Scanner” by Apisfero A.P.S. A high-resolution scan which uses artificial intelligence to count Varroa mite in the hive helping beekeepers in fighting this scourge widely affecting honey bees in Europe receives the “innovative & technological solutions” prize.