Reaction to EU Deforestation Regulation implementation guidance


In a joint effort with sister organisations, the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) voiced concerns about the EUDR by issuing two joint statements. ELO acknowledges the need to curb deforestation and forest degradation worldwide. Yet, the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), as it stands today, will not reach these objectives and create hurdles for forest managers, owners and operators. The EUDR entered into force on the 29th of June 2023, and will fully enter into application on the 30th of December 2024. To guide its implementation, the Commission issued a Q&A and a draft implementation guidance.

The first joint statement develops an EU forest owners and managers perspective. The second joint statement raises the concerns of the EU and international forest-related industry. Both highlight the implementation guidance shortcomings and the overall lack of resources in the hands of EU member states. The joint statements also underpin the need for EU support to forest operators and require an adjusted timeframe for implementation.

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