Trade Conference
The European Landowners’ Organization hosted its trade-related conference on 22 February 2022. The event brought together stakeholders from all across the world, from policy makers to industry representatives and farmers to discuss European Green Deal’s impact on global trade and rural activities worldwide. The conference explored how the EU Green Deal and its environmental standards will directly and indirectly affect the international food sector and livelihoods of farmers in vulnerable rural areas of export nations.
We are honoured to have brought together more than 800 stakeholders from all around the world for this online debate.
Alan Matthews agreed to discuss with ELO the unexpected impacts of the Green Deal on global food systems. The interview is available on EURACTIV. -
Following the online conference, ELO has published the study “Implications of the European Green Deal for agri-food trade with developing countries” by prof. Alan Matthews.
The paper examines how European measures taken to implement greater coherence between agriculture, trade and Green Deal policies might impact on developing countries. While looking also at other multilateral, bilateral or unilateral trade policy measures, this study focuses mainly on mirror clauses.
The event recording is available on ELO's YouTube channel