
(digitalization, monitoring, satelite, indicators) 


March 2024
Position Paper
The European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) has submitted its feedback to the GreenData4All initiative, highlighting concerns and recommendations to safeguard data and property rights of landowners and farmers. Recognizing the import...
March 2024
Press Release
Brussels, March 26, Adrien Rogissart from the French project “Halage” has been honored as the winner of the prestigious Land and Soil Management Award 2024. The award was presented during the Gala Dinner of the Forum for the Future of Agricultur...
January 2024
The changes made to the commission’s “EU Gigabit Infrastructure Act” initial proposal, which aims to bring down the cost of building telecom networks, are leading to concerns that these modifications may replicate the issues encoun...
November 2023
Press Release
Brussels, November 22, 2023 — Today, the European Commission published its regulation establishing a “Forest Monitoring Law”. ELO welcomes the general principle of increasing the resilience of European forests, particularly in the face...